Conchances partnership was established between Fokus Tanz, München (DE), Curious Seed, Edinburgh (UK), Les Schini’s, Bordeaux (FR), AppArt & ArtMan, Budapest (HU) and De Dansers/contweedancecollective, Utrecht (NL), each organization bringing distinct expertise and experience in developing dance work with, and for, young people. The main aim of the project was to sustainably strengthen the potential of these young people, build confidence and inspire individual and collective creativity. The project was funded to promote education, understanding and networking between the partner organizations within the context of an Erasmus+ funded programme.
Originally conceived to take place over two years, five different organisations from different countries within Europe collaborated to share, learn, and explore best practices in working in dance with diverse groups of young people. In difficult terrain - as the effect of the COVID pandemic was inevitable during the process – the project extended from 2019 until 2022. The partners exchanged online and offline; generated discussion around the principles and the practice of the work; learned and gained inspiration from each other and developed fresh approaches.
Reflections, emergent themes and shared learning from this research have been edited into a publication CONCHANCES 2019-2022
Transnational meetings took place in Munich, Budapest and Bordeaux.